Sunday, October 16, 2011

The simple things.

Today I was talking to my best friend about the simple things. The simple things in life are the things that we should be grateful for! These are the things that we should be living for. Simple things like being alive. Being able to breathe. The ability we have to walk, see, hear, touch. Being able to hug, say I love you, and share love to someone in need. Seeing someone's smile. Going to bed in a warm place. Fall leaves. Visiting family. Dating. (Yes, i said dating. It's suppose to be fun!) Playing with your pet. Watching a sunset. Wearing your favorite outfit. Laughing with friends. It's all suppose to be fun. Life is suppose to be fun! We are meant to have a good life here and because of this simple things we can. Call me a creep. But my other friend mentioned this blog to me the other day. "1,000 Awesome things". Someone is posting about 1,000 simple awesome things that make them happy. I don't know them but the things that they ahve to say seem pretty sweet. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. SO true. Exactly what my latest blog is about. I love you kume. Beautiful post.
