Monday, October 10, 2011

An open face.

Today. Was. Stressfulllll!! There usually are a few things that go wrong everyday. But no. This was not one of those days. This was like sweating cause you’re running back and forth and then swearing in your head cause you forget about something else...It’s almost hilarious how many things went wrong. Listen.

- I accidentally slept in this morning instead of studying for my accounting quiz
-I had to have Caisie drop me off at school cause I almost missed my quiz
-I realized my homework was left at home so I needed to go get it
-Remembered I didn’t have a car on campus so I had to arrange a ride home
-Once I got home I noticed I hadn’t even FINISHED my homework (this is where it gets pathetic)
-Also remembered I had a quiz in my second class that was in 20 minutes
-Had to park in the gay tsc parking that makes you pay or else I would have missed my second quiz…

AGHHHH! What a stressful morning! Mostly all my fault but still. I was not having it today. And then something happened. My professor said something to me. She was lecturing about oral presentations and was talking about how we should present ourselves. Mainly about having an "open face" because having an open face allows other people to see that you are a friendly person and that you are open to communication. And then she pointed me out. She told the class how every day, she would look at me and notice that I had an open face. That I was always alert and listening to what she had to say. She said that if she was having a bad day, she could look at me and realize that her was teaching ok and that some people were actually paying attention. So after class I went up to her to thank her for the comment. Then she said something that meant more than she knows. She said that everything she had told the class was true and that’s why I was probably such a great dancer. She knew that I was a dancer but hadn’t realized that I was doubting myself and my abilities with dance. (i know, us unstable) Doing all the choreography for the HOWL has stressed me out to the point where I constantly get anxiety every time I think about it. I've been discouraged with myself which has made me consider quitting. Finally quitting after 18 long years of dance. I wanted to quit and never do it again. But how could I give that up? How could I give up something that I’ve loved for that long. That simple phrase made me think. Throughout today, I’ve thought about what she said and I realized that it wasn't just a coincidence that she said that to me. I needed that and I am truly blessed in the most simple ways. So it all started from having an open face.


  1. wow. what teacher in college says that? it's true though. you are a light to everyone around you kume, and you have an "open face." I truly feel i can talk to you and you listen, and care. I'm blessed to know you and most of all, I believe in you :) love you.
