Tuesday, February 21, 2017

{ The News At 38 Weeks }

At 39 1/2 weeks, I was told I would have my baby in my arms within less than 24 hrs. WHAT!? I freaked out.

My Dr. does one last ultrasound at 38 weeks to check baby one last time and get an estimate on her weight. The ultrasound estimated 5 lbs 8 oz so we knew that she would be a small baby. We also knew that because for the last three weeks, my belly was measuring the same and on my last measurement, I lost a couple centimeters. The ultrasound also told us something else. My amniotic fluid was low. Dr. Smith measures from the baby to the uterine wall and the fluid was at a 6. Typically he sends women to labor and delivery if you're a 5 or below so he told me to drink a ton of fluid that week and I'd come back in 5 days to see where I was at. If I was below a 6, we would get induced and I would have our baby.

Cam came with me to that appointment because we knew we would see her in the ultrasound. (You couldn't see anything just a baby all squished in a tiny tummy). I'm so thankful Cam was there because I was in panick mode. I mean, I knew I had a baby coming obviously but for him to tell me we would be having her possibly by next week was so crazy to me! It was a little scary because he told me to monitor her very closely. He told me if I felt that there was anything wrong, anything at all, come straight into labor and delivery.

So, Cam and I went home and I filled a huge water bottle up and got straight to work. I had at least 10 huge water bottles a day and was peeing every two seconds. I could still feel Scottie moving inside so I knew that was a good sign. But one thing I noticed when laying down at night, is that when she would kick me, it. would. hurt! Bad! I remember thinking oh, my gosh...she's going to break through my belly! I could literally see a point in my belly where she was kicking. And now that we know I had low to almost no amniotic fluid it all makes sense.

Five days later, Cam and I went back to Dr. Smith for the ultrasound appointment where we would determine our next steps. I was 39 1/2 weeks at the time. Dr. Smith asked how I was feeling and I told him we were excited but also nervous and scared because we want a healthy baby. He turned the lights off, got out his ultrasound machine, and started measuring. Right away his face dropped and then he turned to me and said ok. Your fluid level dropped to a 3 so we're going to have this baby today.

I remember looking at Dr. Smith with my jaw wide open and my hands on my face. What did he just say?! We're having this baby today. I could tell by his face it was concerning so it was a little scary. He told me not to worry and to go home and get ready for this baby. We were told to come back around 9 p.m. that night where they would insert Cerdivil and then start me on Pitocin at 7 a.m. the next morning. I turned to Dr. Smith and asked, "So what do I do for 6 hrs?! How can I just sit at home?" He told us to go to a movie, eat dinner, have fun and relax.

I wanted something hearty for my last meal since they would practically starve me from the moment I went back to the hospital so Cam and I went to Salt City to get a burger. Then we went home, Cam took an uninterrupted napped for the last time, I painted my nails, and made sure we had everything packed for the hospital. (Who am I kidding, you know I had my bags packed weeks before and were already in the car at my 38 week appointment).

The nurse called me at 7 p.m. and told me they were ready for me! Told me to come at 8:00 p.m. and to bring my own pillows because "she had a ton but she was sure mine were more comfortable". She was sweet and comforting. Told me they'd take care of me.

Cam and I got in the car and that was the last time we were ever a family of two.

To be continued....delivery.

Until next time,


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