Monday, February 21, 2011

Bieber fever.

I think I have it! Bieber fever. Yes, I might have this....disease? Ok lets get real, not a disease and I don't think anyone can say that they don't have Bieber fever! He's a 16 year old stud that has an amazing voice and sings about love. Lets just forget about the 16 year old part for now. I'll be honest and say that he has been my favorite playlist for the month of February. Sue me. This is my favorite song:

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me that should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on
'Til you believe that
That should be me

So perfect. Can't wait to see Bieber in 3D. What has this world come to....But I secretly Love it!

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