Thursday, February 21, 2019

{ Stockton Kazu Ryther | 3 months old }

Happy three months son! You are such an angel and bring so much light into our family. This month you’ve learned how to ROLL! You’re such a smart boy and are so funny when you try to roll. You turn your head and shove it into the carpet and keep it there to try to roll over. You still need some help from mom but once I give you that little push, you pop right up and genuinely love tummy time.

This is the second month we’ve been dairy free and it seems to be getting a little easier. Mom still feels like she’s starving but I know that it’s making you feel better so I’m ok with it. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy. That’s all I want for you.

You caught a nasty cold from your cousins and sister and mom feels so bad for you! You’re up all night constantly coughing and gagging because of your lovely gag reflex. Will you ever grow out of that?! I love you. But it would
Be nice to be done with the puking.

You love bath time and smile at your sis when she dumps water on you.

You smile ALL the time. You’re such a little chatter box too! Very social. Taking after your mom maybe?

Your sister is really showing you love this month.

We love you lots.


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