Thursday, March 21, 2013

{ Baby sister is all grown up! }

My baby sister is going on a mission to Sapporo, Japan!

She left last Wednesday, March 13. This is crazy talk!

I'm seriously so sad that she is gone but have never been more proud. She's such a strong girl and has always been so independent, unlike me. My little sister has taught me so much and I have looked up to her my whole life because of the way she believes in herself. That is one thing that my sister taught me. She taught me how to be a an amazing dancer by letting go of what others thought of me and learning to dance for myself. To believe in myself.

Misa and I were lucky enough to be just two years apart so we went to Jr. high and High school together. I was able to look after her and she was able to look after me. We danced on Skyline's dance company and took many dance classes together after school. We were able to share the same passion and grow from that. She taught me to have courage in times when I was second guessing my leadership positions and this meant the world to me. I was the first one out of my family to go to Utah State, thinking I would make this journey alone...but nope. Misa came with me! This made me so unbelievably happy because my support system came with me! It was so fun having her up here with me, dancing together again, and watching cartoon movies with me when Cam said they were "too childish".

She has strengthened me when I was weak and she was my best friend in times of need.

I'm going to miss her so much!

She's goign to be an amazing missionary because of the light that she has carried through out her whole life. She has such a strong testimony and will be able to share that love with the people in Sapporo. I know that she is going to make a difference and will be remembered by those people. I just ask one thing...keep her safe!! Bring her back to my family when she's done serving. My family means so much to me and my sisters and I will be the "Osterloh sisters forever" no matter what. We're getting bigger each year but that won't break the bonds that my sisters and I have. We love our goofy selves too much to let go of that.

So, to the people of Sapporo Japan... Sister Misako Osterloh is coming your way! Get ready.

Until next time,

KRR <3 

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