Thursday, April 7, 2011

Diet cokes and more.

Who knew that Diet coke could lead to such a great thing! Lemme explain. First, I have a confession. I think I'm addicted again! Not good. I went on a little "no soda" streak for about 4 months and then one day thought to myself....why am I doing this?! Why am I keeping myself from this thing that I love! I just love diet coke! Can't get enough of it. The best is putting a little shot of lemonade to spice things up a bit. I was at the lib tonight to study for a test and got one to keep me sane. For some reason I can't study unless I'm eating/drinking something...weird...I eat 24/7. It's fine. It happens. What's better than a cold diet coke? Believe it or not, this addiction may or may not have brought me to better things in my life. The beautiful MeKenzi Staples and I share an addiction. Kenz and I have been best friends ever since seventh grade. This cute, tall, skinny girl wearing the most perfect clothes transfered from Albion middle school to my school, Churchill Jr. High. I saw her struggling in the lunch room one day, trying to pick up a quarter with her newly done acrilic nails. She was having some serious problems picking up this quarter so being the lovely lady that I am, I walked over and picked it up for her and then bam. We were instant friends and have been best friends since! Maybe it was because I thought she was a cute girl and I wanted to be exactly like her, maybe it was because I felt like I needed to help her, whatever the reason, I'm glad I did because this is not a type of friendship that you find everyday. Through out our friendship we have come to realize that we have so much in common. We love Diet coke, love to dance, both drive xterras (she set the trend), love guster, love to love, love popcorn, both have the same issues, love babies, love family, love the church, love crafts, love small bands, love quotes, love hugs, love gentlemen, love coloring, love the sun, love ice cream, and love life. I'm so lucky to have this girl in my life. She has taught me more than she'll ever know and I appreciate everything that she has done for me. Even though our lives are so hectic and complete opposites we make time to share stories and sip our Diet cokes together. Two things that I absolutely adore. I guess you could say we will be those old ladies at 8 in the morn with diet cokes in hand. I love this girl.


  1. Kuuuume this just makes me cry. I am so eternally grateful for you in my life. You are the best friend I could EVER ask for. Love you so, SO much.

  2. Agreed. She truly is an amazing girl, and has taught all of us so much. Then again, I could and DO say the same thing about you. I love you both. I am LUCKY to have you in my life. To you, to kenz, and to diet coke. Love you. :).
