Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today was a great day. I wasn't looking forward to today because of a few different things but I was wrong. Today was a great day because I was able to reevaluate my life. I went to a leadership conference for Ambassadors and our keynote speaker was so inspiring. Here are some things that he said that I really liked:

"Your thoughts impact your destiny."
"Don't let the illusions take over your life, look past them."
"We are our own illusion."

We also watched a movie called "Celebrate whats right with the world". Here are some things that I liked from that movie:

"Perception controls our reality."
"Become lost in the very best that you can be."

I realized that anytime I feel defeated it's because I let myself feel that way. No one can bring me down except for myself. If I want to accomplish something I can do it. Go big or go home! The only thing that I need to do is believe something to see it. Like Granite elementary always taught me...Shoot for the stars.


  1. my kumes has a blog. i just found you!

  2. I love this! Those quotes are awesome. Thanks for the inspiration, just what I needed! Love you!
