Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday cheer.

Christmas time. It's "the most wonderful time of the year". Really though, there are so many things about this month that I absolutely love. This is probably my favorite time of the year. Here's why:

1. Everyone is happier
2. Christmas lights are up
3. Stockings are hung
4. Festive music is playing
5. People are singing (sometimes not a good thing, sing along with the melody people. If you can't hear harmonies...please refrain)
6. Little kiddies are sitting on Santa's lap
7. My nails are red and green
8. Calories don't seem to count
9. Stores sell more fuzzy, weird, decorated socks
10. I have an excuse to watch the Polar Express and Elf multiple times a week
11. Peppermint ice cream comes to the stores
12. It's ok to drink apple cider every day
13. Sitting by the fire, cuddled in a blanket doing absolutely nothing and not feeling guilty about it
14. Eating candy canes
15. Buying christmas decor
16. How the world looks like a snow globe
17. Grandma's Christmas punch
18. Making toffee
19. Going to the mall cause my excuse is that I need to buy a present
11. and last, I get to think about how blessed I am

What else could I want? I mean, yea, I would like loads of money so I could buy as many clothes/accessories/make-up as I want. But in all honesty, what else could I want. I have everything in the world. The things that I have mean more to me than any new toy. I have a family that loves me, I have friends that support me in everything that I do, I have a warm house to live in, I have an opportunity to get an education, I have clothes to wear, I have food to eat (except around finals time I start eating cereal for each meal), I have things to laugh at, I have reasons to smile, I have books to read, I have music to listen to, and last but not least, I have a Father in heaven that loves me for me.

He loves me even though 99.9% of the time I'm a hot mess. Literally, hot mess! I'm a stress case and I've come to realize that I wouldn't be able to get through everything that I have to do if it weren't for my Savior. My Savior was born this month and that's really what I should be focusing on this Christmas. It's about him. I need to remember to serve just like he did. Serving people brings happiness and that is what I strive for.
So this Christmas I will think about Him and ways to serve. I'm so excited for this Christmas season. I seem to always have a smile on because of the special spirit that comes with this month. So don't mind me when I'm smiling, driving through the roads of Logan, jammin' to a little Justin Bieber Christmas. It's all for the cause people. Try it sometime, it's not bad, you can't help but smile. So smile!


  1. What a beautiful post. I love it! I love the picture of the girl hugging Christ, it's beautiful. You're beautiful. I love the new banner at the top of your blog!

  2. LOVED this post. thanks for reminding me why I love this holiday season so much. I can't wait to spend it with you and share in the joy together! (And j biebs christmas let's be honest. it's. that. good.) I'm excited to see you and celebrate! LOVE you!
