Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Footloose. Everybody cut footloose!

I saw the new modern day Footloose just a few days ago. One word. Obsessed! I cannot get over that movie. Like I came home and couldn't stop smiling. It's like I had just been kissed for the first time...actually wait...that wasn't such a great experience. Rewind, it's like I just had my first REAL kiss. I don't know why it made me smile but it did. I think it's because I'm a dancer, have grown up a dancer, and basically live, eat, and breathe dance. Seeing a dance movie really helps me appreciate the talent that I was given. And well, like they always say, watching them dance made me want to get up and dance! Pathetic. You know you've had too many dance lessons when...

Anyways lets get to the good stuff. So I come home, look up the main actor, Kenny Wormald, and find out that he's a hip hop choreographer! I'm in love. I am. I truly am. I cannot get over his choreo. His movement is so fluid and smooth. I'm inspired and very determined to learn how to master his choreo and turn it into a style of mine. I immediately called up my little sister who dances with me and told her about Mr. Kenny. We decided that we are going to find out where he teaches next and fly out to take a workshop from him. I will take a class from him one day. He's an amazing choreographer/dancer and attractive! So giddy over this guy. Watch these videos:

 "Can we chill" is my fav.

Ps. he was a back up dancer for JT. Maybe that's why he's so great. I dont' know. Just sayin.

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